Computer speakers get far less attention than their more expensive counterparts - home theater system speakers. While the latter are much fussed over, adequately researched, tried and tested before buying, most consumers just pick up whatever they can get their hands on (and can afford) at the local electronics store when it comes to computer speakers. The truth is that most of us spend far more time before a laptop or desktop than watching movies on the TV; doesn't it make more sense to invest more time and money into buying the best computer speakers you can afford?
Immersion Hand Blender
A decade or so back, when multimedia computers were still an anomaly and things like 'Dolby Digital Surround Sound' were just technical gibberish terms, computer speakers used to be puny little devices capable of reproducing only the poorest quality sound. Of course, things have changed dramatically since then. Today, you can buy the best computer speakers that will reproduce lifelike sound at an affordable price.
Immersion Hand Blender
There are some big brand names that always come to the mind when talking about the best computer speakers. Creative, Logitech, Altec Lansing, JBL are a few of them. These companies have a long history of excellence. Some, like Logitech and Creative, are often far more visible in the computer speakers market than in the home entertainment system segment. The quality of their products for laptops and desktops, thus, is typically of a higher quality than similarly priced competitors.
Sound Card
There is a caveat, however. Before you set your eyes on buying the best computer speakers you can afford, you must understand that a lot depends on your laptop or desktop's sound card too. The purpose of this card is to render and process audio information. Almost all computers have an in-built sound card typically capable of doing an adequate job of audio reproduction for day to day use. Every sound card comes with its own software, which, in most cases, is bundled up along with the motherboard drivers.
However, to get the most out of your audio experience, you should consider getting an additional sound card installed. This additional card would fit into your motherboard's PCI or PCI Express slot. The audio quality offered by this card would be much better than the standard card that is built-in in most motherboards. This card is capable of high quality, multi-channel audio reproduction (Dolby Digital Surround Sound, etc.). It may also have multiple ports for recording audio. If you are an audiophile, or enjoy recording music on your computer, then you should definitely consider getting an additional sound card for your system.
Nowadays, you can also purchase an external sound card that fits into the USB port. This type of card is meant more for audio professionals who need to carry their equipment around and is not recommended for home users.
Computer Speakers Buying Guide
Once you have a quality sound card - whether in-built or purchased additionally - you can get down to buying the best computer speakers for your needs. For this, you have to understand your requirements and budget first. A set of high quality speakers can set you back by over 0, while you can get an 'adequately' functional speaker system for less than .
For audiophiles, nothing less than a 5.1 speaker system would do, though a set of quality 2.1 computer speakers would be quite adequate as well. Hardcore gamers would do well to invest in a surround sound system as it would provide the highest level of immersion into the gaming experience. Musicians and hobby recording artists should invest in a set of studio monitors. These are a typically a set of 2.0 speakers with strong bass output. They do not have any in-built equalizer, so you get the most faithful reproduction of your reproductions and can adjust the mix levels accordingly.
For regular users, a simple 2.0 speaker set up, or a mid-range 2.1 system would be more than adequate. Your choice would, of course, be influenced by your budget. A surround sound system would be decidedly more expensive than a 2.0 set-up.
As far as technical specifications are concerned, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:
1. Frequency Range
The human ear can hear sounds up to 20,000 Hz. The greater the frequency range of the computer speakers, the better the audio reproduction. Typically, a good system will have ratings from 10 Hz to 20,000 Hz, ensuring that you get the best rendition of low (bass) as well as high frequencies.
2. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
Signal to Noise Ratio or SNR is a measurement of how much a signal has been corrupted by noise. To understand it in layman terms, think of it as the ratio of the amount of useful information (signal) passing through as compared to the useless bits (noise). The greater this ratio, the less the signal corruption.
All you need to understand is that higher SNR numbers translate into better audio reproduction. SNR is measured in decibels (dB). Speakers are typically rated at 65 dB, 75 dB, 90 dB, etc. You should try to get a speaker system with as high a SNR number as possible.
3. Audio Input
The best computer speakers should have a single pin audio input. They should be compatible with your laptop, iPod, desktop, etc.
4. Output Control
The best computer speakers would have buttons, knobs, etc. for controlling the audio built directly on the speakers themselves. These can range from knobs for controlling the bass, volume, treble, etc. along with power on/off buttons, etc.
5. Construction Material
Although your computer speakers aren't expected to take too much damage, you should nevertheless invest in something that can last you a few years. Higher quality speakers have woofers made out of denser materials like glass fiber, Kevlar, etc. This provides deeper, richer sound reproduction.
If your system has a woofer, it should ideally be housed in dense, thick wood for optimum performance.
6. Appearance
Appearance is something that varies from individual to individual. Remember that you'll spend a lot of time before your computer, staring at the speakers. Getting something that is visually pleasing should be a consideration, albeit a not too important one.
Best Computer Speakers - An In-Depth Buying Guide
Immersion Hand Blender
Nov 15, 2011 23:23:49

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